AdvertServe Select SSP

Publisher Application Form

Please complete and submit the form below to apply.

Contact Information

Tax Information

Payment Information

Direct Deposit

Terms and Agreements

I have read and accept the following insertion order terms:
  1. Geos: North America traffic only.
  2. Preferred sizes: 728x90, 160x600, 300x250. Other sizes eligible upon approval.
  3. Payments will be calculated on an 80/20 revenue share and based on Renegade Internet reporting via the AdvertServe UI.
  4. All ad requests made via the AdvertServe Select SSP platform will result in a filled impression. Options for passback, default, or 3rd party demand is ineligible as part of platform use.
  5. Renegade Internet reserves the right to withhold payment for any activity deemed invalid, bot, fraudulent, or otherwise falsified by Publisher or its partners.
I have read and accept the following payment terms:
  1. Renegade Internet agrees to pay Publisher in U.S. dollars.
  2. Payments will be issued automatically on Net-60 terms at the end of a given month in which revenue was accrued by Renegade Internet once a one-hundred ($100.00) dollar threshold has been met by the Publisher.
  3. Renegade Internet is not responsible for any withholding, revenue taxation reporting, payment transaction fees, wire fees, or any other associated fees accrued by Publisher in payment transaction.
  4. Publisher affirms the above information, as provided by Publisher, is wholly correct and adequate to receive payment from Renegade Internet. In the event the provided information is incorrect, changed without notice given to Renegade Internet, or otherwise results in failure of receipt, Renegade Internet is hereby absolved of all liability for missing payments, repayment of lost funds, or any other financial obligation due to Publisher error.
I have read and accept the terms and conditions.